We all enjoy doing certain things and we all possess certain skills and strengths. But these interests and skills vary from person to person. As you develop your career plan and decide what career you want to pursue, we suggest you spend some time identifying your specific skills and strengths and what type of work would interest you.
The following links can help you work through this process. Each site provides tools and questionnaires designed to assist you.
Career Exploration Worksheet - This worksheet is a good starting point to begin to explore your career options. It helps you identify your interests and the things you enjoy doing, and can help you begin to think about the type of career you might want to pursue. Download/Open PDF
Careeronestop – Sponsored by the US Department of Labor – This site allows you to consider how your interests and your skills might help you decide what career is best for you. https://www.careeronestop.org/ExploreCareers/Assessments/self-assessments.aspx
MassHire Career Information System. We also included this site on the “Career Fields Available to Me” page. It provides a number of tools, to include the ability to assess what career might best suit you based on your interests and skills. To navigate to the assessment page we suggest hitting the “Massachusetts Resident” button, then hit the “High School” button, and then enter “Haverhill” and your zip code. Once inside the site hit the “Assessments” tab at the top of the page. https://portal.masscis.intocareers.org/
US Department of Labor/Bureau of Labor Statistics Career Exploration – This website allows you to do some basic research on occupations that might be linked to your interests. https://www.bls.gov/k12/content/students/careers/career-exploration.htm