Every student in Haverhill can succeed... and achieve a true living wage job in a career field they find interesting, have a good place to live, and be able to raise a family if they desire.
To achieve this in a time of rapid technological and economic change, it can help to have a plan that guides your actions.
This website is designed to help you identify your personal interests, think through your career goals, research the opportunities that are available, and develop your individual plan of action.
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I want to know about:

  • Career Fields available to me
    There are a large number of career options available to every student in the Haverhill School System. This page is designed to help you understand career fields and the types of jobs or occupations that fall inside each career field.

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  • Jobs available in these fields
    There are a number of living wage jobs available to students and graduates of the Haverhill Public Schools. This page is designed to help you identify specific living wage jobs in the Haverhill/Merrimack Valley/greater Boston area that fall into your desired career fields.

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Other tools I can use:

  • Self-assessment tools – what career field should I choose?
    We all enjoy doing certain things and we all possess certain skills and strengths. But these interests and skills vary from person to person. As you develop your career plan and decide what career you want to pursue, we suggest you spend some time identifying your specific skills and strengths and what type of work would interest you.

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  • Making a Career Plan
    To accomplish important things it helps to have a clear plan that guides and focuses your actions towards a specific goal. This is also true with your career and how you see your future.

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  • What other Community resources are available to help me?
    The City of Haverhill and the local community have a number of great programs available to help individuals and families succeed. Additionally, Massachusetts and the US Government have a number of useful sites. Some of these might be able to assist you as you work towards a career and a living wage job.

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  • What is the living wage for Haverhill?
    The goal of the Haverhill Public-Private Partnership (HP3) is for all Haverhill School students to ultimately achieve a true “living wage job.” To us, a “living wage” job pays enough to allow you to have a good place to live, have access to transportation, and be able to raise a family if that is your goal.

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I want to know more about HP3

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